Straight men claim to 'hate' watching the Olympic Games. Ask them and they claim it is because they don't like watching ice skating......
The Myth of the Golden Moth (Oh, pardon, it is but Orange-ish) aka: 'The Changel
We Americans take much for granted. So ingrained is our stability, so entrenched is our inevitability, so spoiled are we to our...
Chachi said what??
Did Chachi grow up to be Scott Baio? If so, it would seem the man lost sight of the boy's pureness and innocence somewhere along the...
Who Coulda' Scripted This?
After 62 Years of Worldly Wanderlust... After 20 years in an Undercover Jungle Fever Shack Up... After One year of Legalized Connubial...
The Elephant in the Damn Room!
Hasn't anyone hearkened on the painfully obvious? Must we continue the pseudo-debate around the newest in the decades-long list of...
Claptrap McDrumpf Trumpet
The Little Hands Man remains an orange-tinged Chicken Little. Sans the intellect or vocabulary. When will we learn how to decipher a...
Trumpian Logic
"The massacres will continue until morale improves" Monty Python had it right, gun manufacturers: Blow it out your Ass!!!!
Another Good Guy with a Gun Turns Bad
In great surprise, we awaken to a horrific 'soft-site' attack of innocent people and must be once again reminded how serious a situation...
It always begins with Fear stoked by Bellicosity
The Temperance Movement of the 1890's began with a small minority of holier-than-thou-ists: it finally equated to the passage of...
An Enigma wrapped in a Ball of String
Ancient, late twentieth century free-verse recently recovered and currently perused anew... Out of the ashes of a past NOLA...